Become a Member

Help build the Arboretum

Become a Friend of the Arboretum today!  

Memberships last a full year from date of purchase …except life memberships. You can also set up a recurring monthly or annual donation or annual membership renewal.

Purchase conveniently through our Online Store, or send a check to FJOA, PO Box 33936 Juneau, AK 99803. Please include your name, address and email if you choose to mail a check. 

We appreciate your support!



Pick.Click.Give logoPlease consider selecting the Friends of Jensen-Olson Arboretum for your Pick Click Give donation this year. 

The 2024 Permanent Fund Dividend for Alaskans application period is open January 1 to March 31, but you may still support non-profits through Pick Click Give until August 31!.


Annual Membership
$ 15 Annually
  • Electronic copy of TWIGS, the Arboretum Newsletter
  • A great gift idea to help the garden year around


Annual Membership
$ 30 Annually
  • Individual benefits plus...
  • 20% Discount on Arboretum merchandise and special event tickets


Annual Membership
$ 50 Annually
  • Family benefits plus...
  • Receive a free plant at annual JOA plant sale up to $15 value


Annual Membership
$ 100+ Annually
  • Patron benefits plus...
  • Receive a private tour of the Jensen-Olson Arboretum for up to 20 people


$ 1000 One-Time
  • Business benefits plus...
  • Personalized commemorative brick
  • A 'Blue Poppies' print by Sharron Lobaugh
Blue Poppies Friends of Jensen Olson Arboretum

Thank you!

Commemorative Bricks

Pave our paths with bricks engraved in remembrance of an event or a special person

These will be used to pave paths and areas around the Arboretum. A brick can have 2 lines of 20 characters each, counting spaces, and costs $100.