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Become a member

Support Friends of Jensen-Olsen Arboretum by becoming a member or purchasing a gift membership for a garden-loving friend. Memberships are good for one year from the date of purchase, except life memberships of course. You can join at a variety of levels that match any budget.  We offer a choice of regular or annually auto-renewing membership plans.

We appreciate your ongoing support! 


Annual Membership
$ 15 Annually
  • Electronic copy of TWIGS, the Arboretum Newsletter
  • A great gift idea to help the garden year around


Annual Membership
$ 30 Annually
  • Individual benefits plus...
  • 20% Discount on Arboretum merchandise and special event tickets


Annual Membership
$ 50 Annually
  • Family benefits plus...
  • Receive a free plant at annual JOA plant sale up to $15 value


Annual Membership
$ 100+ Annually
  • Patron benefits plus...
  • Receive a private tour of the Jensen-Olson Arboretum for up to 20 people


$ 1000 One-Time
  • Business benefits plus...
  • Personalized commemorative brick
  • A 'Blue Poppies' print by Sharron Lobaugh
Blue Poppies Friends of Jensen Olson Arboretum

Thank you!


Make a Donation

Big or small, your gift makes a difference in keeping Caroline’s Garden beautiful year ’round. Thank you!

Full-color Field Guide


More gift ideas that support the garden

Note Cards

Share beautiful photography with family and friends with this 12-card package.  Photography by former arboretum manager Merrill Jensen

Our stylish embroidered hats

Show your support with pride and be comfortable in rain or shine with this detailed embroidered hat. 

Order a Memorial Brick

Order a brick with custom engraving to commemorate a loved one or a special occasion; bricks may  be placed at the arboretum by the “arb” staff or you may place them in your home garden. Maps of bricks already placed at the arboretum are found on the Benches and Bricks page.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.