Mother’s Day at the Arb
Jensen-Olson Arboretum 23035 Glacier Highway, JuneauNative Plant Walk starting at 11am. Tom Locher will play music and refreshments will be served starting at 12pm. Book signing by Kate Troll. AARP and FJOA will have tables.
Native Plant Walk starting at 11am. Tom Locher will play music and refreshments will be served starting at 12pm. Book signing by Kate Troll. AARP and FJOA will have tables.
Explore the arboretum beach at low tide with intertidal experts and enthusiasts. Participants will rotate between science stations to learn about marine life living between high & low tides, and many […]
Safeway Parking lot. FJOA will be there offering memberships and merchandise. Plants will be offered for sale at the arboretum later in the summer